Root canal treatment endodontics

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Endodontics is a specialized field of conservative or restorative dentistry. It involves the so-called cleaning of the root canals of the tooth if an infection penetrates the tooth pulp, and thus the entire root system.

Léčba kořenových kanálků Endodoncie Praha – Magic Smile

The main goal of endodontic treatment is the careful removal of the infected area, thorough cleaning, and subsequent filling and sealing of the tooth.

At our clinic, we use an operating microscope for treatment to achieve maximum treatment success. This technology allows us to have a perfect view of the inner space of the tooth and thus ensure quality treatment of those teeth that would otherwise need to be extracted. Well-performed canal cleaning prevents further spread of inflammation to surrounding tissues and possibly to neighboring teeth. After quality endodontic treatment, the tooth can be left in the mouth and serve well without any problems for many years.

Endodontic procedures are often associated with painful stimuli. The use of local anesthesia is a matter of course to prevent unnecessary stress and fear of the procedure. There can be many causes of pulp inflammation, but tooth decay remains the most common. The most effective way to prevent disease is adequate prevention. Therefore, do not underestimate preventive check-ups and schedule them regularly, twice a year.

Magic Smile Dental Clinic offers gentle endodontic treatments using advanced techniques and the latest, affordable filling materials.


If you are interested, please schedule a consultation where our doctors will attend to you.

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